Student deal

Ponsse / Epec Student Deal

Ponsse / Epec Student Deal

Call for Tampere University Automation Engineering or Information Technology or Data Science MSc Students to make a Student Deal.

The application period for 2025 is over - thank you for applying! We will announce the next application period on this page later.

What is Student Deal about?

Tampere University and Ponsse / Epec will be launching a program to offer an opportunity for a few students to combine their master’s studies with working and learning-on-the-job experience.

The goal of this program is to make a close connection between you and Ponsse / Epec already throughout your studies and, as importantly, ensure that you manage to graduate within the planned timeframe of two years.

To whom?

Tampere University Automation Engineering or Information Technology or Data Science students.

PONSSE is looking for expertise especially in Machine automation, Signal processing and Data engineering & analytics, API development and mobile application development. 

Epec is looking for students who are willing to work with non-road mobile machines and commercial vehicles, and deepen their knowledge in specific areas of control system development. At Epec we have versatile tasks from model-based-design to software design and testing.

Student Deal Q&A's

To whom is PONSSE/Epec Student Deal targeted?

The deal is offered to Tampere University Automation Engineering or Information Technology or Data Science Students.

How are the students selected to this program?

We will select 2 – 4 students to this program, depending on the interest shown. In the recruiting process we pay attention also to the applicants’ study success, motivation, co-operation skills, active and systematic way of working as well as passion to learn and develop.

When is the Student Deal program open for applications and how can I apply?

The recruitment will open later on Ponsse career page.

How long is my summer work period?

It will be from three to four months. This will be agreed based on your possibilities and the tasks that you will do.

If I want to have some time-off during the summer, is that possible?

Possibly yes, depending on the tasks that you are doing. Time-off can be agreed with the supervisor.

In addition to summer job, what else do you offer for students?

The program includes part-time working during your studies and diploma work. You will also have orientation to our operations and in-house mentoring. Overall, the program offers you a chance to combine academic studies with working experience.

Will I get a job at Ponsse or Epec after the program?

There is a good chance for that! At this point our goal is to find active Student Deal participants that are interested in working for Ponsse/Epec after graduation. However, we cannot promise you a job for sure. This depends on your performance during the program and our possibilities to offer open vacancies at the time of your graduation.

How are the studies and part-time working periodized?

This will be specified to every student personally (rough estimation is around 50%/50%). 

What does the mentoring include?

Mentoring includes regular meetings with your mentor in Ponsse/Epec to discuss and support your development.

Can I influence the topic of my master’s thesis?

Yes, you can. The topic will be defined based on the company’s needs and the student’s interests and ambitions.

In which locations can I do my internship and summer work?

All Ponsse/Epec locations are possible.

Can I work remotely?

Yes, partial remote work is possible. How much remote work is possible depends on your tasks.

Will Ponsse/Epec provide me a computer and other needed equipment for work?

Yes, computer and phone for instance.

How much salary you pay for working periods?

Compensation will be agreed when we make the working contract. Our salaries follow the guidelines of Technology Industries in Finland and are adjusted based on the job requirements, individual competences and working experience. Preliminary information about the salary levels in this program will be available in the recruitment interviews.

Do you pay salary also for doing master’s thesis?

Yes, you will have a 6 – 8 month employment to do your thesis.

Do I have to engage to the whole program?

The idea is and we hope that you engage to the whole program. However, since unexpected things can come up, we will make three separate working contracts as the program proceeds: one for the summer job, second for the part-time job in autumn and the third for the diploma work in. When signed, these contracts will be mutually binding. Other than these, there will be no consequences for you if you decide to interrupt the program.

Visit Epec Career page
Visit Ponsse Career page