Lederteamets godtgjørelse

Management Team´s remuneration

The company’s management team consists of the following members: Juho Nummela, President and CEO, acting as the chairman; Petri Härkönen, Deputy CEO, Chief Financial Officer; Juha Inberg, Chief R&D and Technology Officer; Tiina Kautonen, Chief Human Resources Officer; Marko Mattila, Chief Sales, Service and Marketing Officer; Tapio Mertanen, Service Director; Katja Paananen, Chief Responsibility Officer; Miika Soininen, Chief Digital Officer and Tommi Väänänen, Chief Operations Officer. The company management has a regular management liability insurance.

The management team’s remuneration consists of: 

  • A fixed monthly salary (including fringe benefits) based on the requirements of the role and the person’s experience.  
  • A short-term performance bonus which is based on targets related to operations and results set annually by the Board of Directors (paid annually).
  • A long-term performance bonus which is based on growth in shareholder value and is typically paid in shares.  
  • A supplementary pension benefit which is paid in addition to the statutory pension. Paid to the directors responsible for finance and strategy.

The principles regarding the short-term performance bonus are consistent between the CEO and the rest of the management team, and it has been explained in more detail in the remuneration report. The members of the management team are involved in long-term performance bonuses. You can find more information about them on Ponsse's website in a section “Incentive plans” and in the Corporate Governance Statement. The CEO has his own share-based incentive plans and the rest of the management team is part of the key employee plan.
The salaries and fringe benefits of the other members of the Management Team amounted to 1,359,257.62 euros in 2023. Performance bonus and profit-sharing payments amounted to 328,204.33 euros and supplementary pensions were paid 265,205.00 euros in 2023. The retirement age of the members of Management Team is 65 and pensions are determined according to existing legislation. The Management Team members' period of notice is six (6) months. If the Company terminates the agreement, the Company shall pay the salary determined for the notice period.



Salary and fringe benefits, EUR

Performance bonus, long-term incentice schemes and profit sharing, EUR

Supplementary pension, EUR

Total remuneration paid, EUR







Other management team members










