Used machines

Used Machines Campaigns

Rahoituskampanja 2025

Ponsse Used Machines

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Used machines

Used machines

Ponsse provides its customers with safe and high-quality used forest machines.

Every year, Ponsse sells hundreds of used forest machines to new satisfied owners. Our range of used forest machines has just the right trade-in machine for every logging site. Ponsse is a global company and, with us, you can do business directly with the machine manufacturer. The basic idea behind our business is that, after buying a machine from us, our customers are so satisfied they want to buy another.

Ponsse’s trade-in machine range consists of harvesters and harvester heads, forwarders and dual machines from different manufacturers – always safely. Our success as a seller of trade-in machines is based on trust: we guarantee that our customers get well-functioning and properly maintained machines, as well as extensive expert support for ensuring their operability. We offer the best high-quality trade-in machines in the markets – no matter what brand you are looking for, you always receive it in full operating condition, and even fully serviced if you want.

Get notified when the product is added to our inventory

Using the machine alert feature in Ponsse’s used forest machine service, you can define what kind of a machine you are looking for. When a PONSSE retailer receives a machine that meets your criteria, you will be notified via email.

Ponsse provides the best trade-in machines in the markets, safely and serviced. It is time to go shopping for the most reliable forest machines!