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Investors consider Ponsse as a good reputation listed company

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Investors consider Ponsse as a good reputation listed company

According to a study commissioned by Suomen Osakesäästäjät, Pörssisäätiö and T-Media, Kone, Ponsse and Gofore are the most reputable listed companies in the opinion of Finnish private investors.

Reputation was measured using the Trust&Maine survey, which assesses reputation based on eight factors: governance, finance, leadership, innovation, interaction, products & services, workplace, and responsibility.

Based on the data collected, a reputation score was calculated for each company on a scale of 1 to 5, with Kone scoring 4.08, Ponsse 4.06 and Gofore 3.96. Private investors' views were examinaded regarding on the reputation of Finland's 79 largest listed companies. 

The survey was conducted in May-June 2023 and was answered by a total of 7,757 Finnish retail investors. Investors provided nearly 19,000 company reviews of large and medium-sized companies on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.